Limited 7 Day Grand Canyon River Run Workshop


Join us for the 7 day Photography Workshop with Willie Holdman in the Grand Canyon that will take place April 15--21 in 2025.

We will spend seven days rafting and floating down the Colorado River, which runs through one of the greatest wonders of the world, The Grand Canyon. Visit waterfalls, see turquoise colored rivers, and experience the wonder of the deep side canyons. You will also be able to view trickling springs and grottos filled with desert wildflowers. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience the Grand Canyon and capture it's magic with your own camera.

Willie has personally floated down the Grand Canyon numerous times on photography expeditions. He has teamed up with Western River Expeditions to offer this exclusive river run experience. This trip will be a photography workshop in every sense of the word. We will plan our adventures based on the best location and lighting for each time of day.


This is an all inclusive, fully catered trip. You will enjoy exquisite four star meals cooked by our guides. We will concentrate on our photography. Everything is provided except your camera gear. A basic understanding of photography, and knowing how to use your camera will really help you have the best experience possible.

Visit the Western River Expeditions website to see more details about this trip and don't forget to check out the sample photographs, including photos Willie has taken on past visits on the photos page.

Willie has made arrangements with Western River Expeditions, a first class operation, to escort us down the Colorado river through the grand canyon. For those that are arriving to Marble Canyon by vehicle the night before we depart, we will take advantage of our location and shoot into the canyon that evening. We will also go shoot the surrounding canyons and rock formations in the early morning before we load into the raft. Once we hit the water be prepared for a visual feast like no other for 7 days! Part of the workshop will continue after we are flown out of the canyon where we will view and critique each others images, via online, and give feedback. Editing and processing our images will also be part of the discussion. A link will be provided, or you can go to Holdman Light Chasers on facebook for info.

The trip is all about getting you to remote locations and capturing the beauty that lies in the Grand Canyon. This well thought out trip allows us to photograph at our own pace and on a different schedule than usual. These trips are very popular and only a certain number of people are allowed to go down the Grand Canyon each year. Some individuals have waited for up to 20 years to obtain a permit to float through the grand canyon.

Total cost of trip and instruction: $4296.00, if you drive to marble canyon. A flight from vegas to marble is around 350.00 more.



"I've floated a lot of rivers but this is by far the Grand-Daddy of them all...Great scenery...Great Rapids...Great food!" -Willie Holdman

To Reserve your spot for 2024 click this link!

After reserving your spot through Western River Expeditions, please select the grand canyon box below and sign up for the workshop portion.
If you would like to go on a private workshop for a day or a week email me for details. Come to my teasdale plateau for monthly workshops. Cheers!



Other Workshops Available for 2024


Oct 3-5, 2024



To Register, Click on one of the boxes above or contact Willie Holdman at [email protected] Also, visit our new site for Capitol Reef Workshops

Willie Holdman is a native Utahan and started experiencing the wonders of nature at an early age by assisting his father, Floyd, on photography assignments for National Geographic throughout the country. He managed to slip out and photograph the rural areas of Utah while at Brigham Young University where he received his BFA degree with an emphasis in photography. Willie resides at the base of majestic Mt. Timpanogos in Midway, Utah. Although he has photographed nature all over the world, it can't compare with the versatility and beauty of his home state, Utah. Whether it is high in an alpine meadow, or low in the red rock desert, this is home.

Willie's award-winning work has been used in numerous publications throughout the country and is collected by multiple corporate and personal identities; some of which include Robert Redford, Senator Orin Hatch, and Google. His work has been featured many times in Outdoor Photographer and has been used for the 2002 winter Olympics and is also displayed at the SLC Airport. Some of his other products are a calendar on Utah, posters, and screensavers for computers. He has published 3 books. One titled "Timpanogos" and two on Utah, "Mountains to deserts" and his lates one "Utah, A Sanctuary" His images have been chosen numerous times for the cover of the Utah Travel Council calendar and posters. His work is collected throughout the world.


What should I expect from this workshop?

I have decided to only offer one on one or private group workshops at this time. Reach out to us what your interest would be in terms of location, seasons, and dates. If I'm available at that time I would love to take you or your group out to the many locations I'm familiar with in any seasons. Perhaps you have a place you have always wanted to photograph but would like to take an experienced and knowledgable photographer along to help you capture the beauty. I'm open to that as well.

We will get up early each morning and go to a predetermined spot. These locations will be chosen based on Willie's vast experience and knowledge of the seasons and local weather to allow for the best photography opportunities. Most of the time will be spent capturing Mother Nature in her glory. The main focus of these workshops will be in the field, shooting. The main goal of this workshop is to come away with an image of your own, that you would be proud to hang on your wall. Count on being outside during the optimal light hours of sunrise and sunset. You may be required to bring a sack lunch on certain days but most of the time we should be close enough to eat in one of the local eateries.

In the middle of the day or evenings, after the light is gone, we will spend time on the computer critiquing and going over digital processing and basic techniques to optimize your photographs. More details will be given at the workshop. These one on one workshops are catered to your own desire. We concentrate on what's best for the photographers and how we can build upon your existing skills and help you get a great shot.

What do the Wasatch Mountains and Southern Utah have to offer?

Willie Holdman Photographs provides individuals an opportunity to explore the backcountry of Utah, one of the most breathtaking natural scenic places on earth. Your Instructor, Willie, has thoroughly explored every nook and cranny along the peaks of the Wasatch Front in the North, to the red rock canyons and vistas of the South. My home has always been here in the Wasatch mountains of Utah. Though I have traveled extensively, I can't seem to find a match to the beauty and versatility of the place I call home. Multiple things come into play while trying to make a memorable photograph. Drive, determination, desire, knowledge, skill, technique, location and luck. If you have the first three "D"s, we can help you with the other four, the last one is left up to Mother Nature.


Place yourself in the beautiful mountains of Utah. The small quaint town of Midway is situated 20 minutes from the Sundance resort in Provo canyon, Park City and Deer Valley in Utah. All the Wasatch Mountain Workshops will be headquartered here. With the majestic Timpanogos Mountain to the south, lakes on either side, and the Provo River winding its way through the valley, you will feel like a kid in a candy shop....only it will be eye-candy.... in every direction.

As my website attest to, I also have spent years in Southern Utah. I know some great locations and love to capture remote and seldom visited places. If this is your desire we can go down to a particular place you have in mind or let me choose for an off the beaten path adventure! Camping out comes with the territory. I can provide the supplies and equiptment. I know some great places for camping out where eye candy abounds.

Ever wonder what the pros do when preparing for a photo shoot? How they choose where to go? What lens they pick and why? Wonder how they get such great images? All these questions will be answered and more.

Who is it for?

These nature photography workshops are for beginners, amateurs, or professionals who just want to take their own photographs in a spectacular setting. Each private workshop will be classified to the level and experience you will need to maximize your photography experience. All attendees should have a SLR camera and know how it operates. Having a tripod isn't necessary, but it would be great to bring one. The workshop will be focused on digital capture.


A laptop computer would be a big plus in editing your images for review in the evening; however, we will not be using the computer while in the field.

What topics are covered


The art of seeing

Adding depth and meaning to your photographs

Camera settings when and where

Optimizing your photographs after Raw

How Professionals get remarkable photographs and how you can too



When the workshop is over, attendees will have a solid understanding of many basic and advanced principles related to nature photography, and the digital darkroom. There will be plenty of time throughout the workshop and in the field to ask Willie one-on-one questions.

What's included in the cost of the workshop?

Professional instruction by Willie Holdman

Transportation to and from shooting locations

A 20x30 photographic print of your best photograph to take back with you

What about lodging?

visit each web site to see what accommodations fit your style. All of these are located right here in midway.

Zermatt Resort - Homestead - - Holiday Inn -www. Best Western Plus in Heber City

Lodging: Stay at several hotels in my home town of Heber city, or if you want to really feel like a professional lets camp out! This puts us at our locations for sunrise and sunset and allows for actually sleeping longer! If you decide to venture out with me in Southern Utah, camping is a great way to go. Of course there are hotels on the outskirts of most remarkable locations, but I love to camp and do it almost exclusively when I'm down there.

Other Workshop Locations: Heber City, Utah, Capitol Reef, San Rafael, Lake Powell, Escalante, Grand Canyon, Badlands, many unknown locations in Escalante and throughout the south and North!

How much does this all cost?

Cost for the private workshop is $1000.00 a day. A day is considered sunrise to sunset. This is for one individual. Give me a call if you would like to form a small group.

Please make sure you are committed to come. If something comes up where you can't attend we would be happy to give you credit for another workshop.

Do you offer private workshops?

Private workshops is all I do at the moment except for out Grand Canyon Afloat trip that I host every April with Western River Expeditions.

Do you offer a waiting list?

If you have any questions about the workshops, please don't hesitate to contact Willie Holdman [email protected]


Workshop Testimonials

"I attended a two day Canon workshop in Portland a few weeks ago that cost $1,000. It was good, but not as good as yours! The Utah landscapes are really breathtaking and you took us to some great spots that I had never seen before.

Chad Kenny, Utah

All in all, I would highly recommend your workshop to my friends and associates from both coasts looking at a Utah outdoor photo vacation workshop. It was an honor to learn from you."

John M. Provo, Utah

"Willie, thank you so much for a incredible workshop! This workshop was over the top. It was even better then I imagined, the scenery, the expertise, the weather, the people, everything was perfect! Thank you!"


Bruce O., Ogden, Utah

Number one, the seminar is a 10. Spending time in the field with a Landscape expert like Willie Holdman is an invaluable learning experience. Number two, being in the field, shooting photos with Willie right next to you, helping with composition, camera settings and his ideas on what he would shoot and when, is beyond amazing.


Warren D., Charleston, Utah

"I was a bit nervous coming into the workshop because I had no photography background. I left having had a great time with you and the other photographers, and now feel drawn into this world of nature photography. I am indebted to you for that."


Jay C. Chicago, Illinois

"You were very patient with us .Even answering the same question over and over. On some work shops I've been on the leader was more concerned about getting the shot than helping those who had paid for the class. I felt like I was imposing.Your passion for photography is contagious. Sharing how and what you see was most valuable."


Gus, Provo, Utah

"I would rate it a 9 out of 10. The in the field part was great and the locations were awesome. The way you explained things was easy for me to follow."


Johnny B., Oklahoma

"Thank for providing an excellent workshop. I learned a tremendous amount and the workshop exceeded my expectations."


Ryan P. Spanish Fork, Utah